MDSUN Malaysia

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Study Tips That You Need To Know 

As summer has come to a close, there seems to be a panic for going back to school. While others may enjoy virtual learning or even seeing their friends in person, this period can actually be quite stressful academically. Let’s not forget the back-to-school shopping, scheduling appointments with your teacher, and summer reading that add to this stress. However, it doesn’t need to be this hectic. Here are some study tips that you need to know for the 2020 school year. 


Already stated in a previous blog post, planners can be a fresh and fun way to start off the school year. Not only are you more productive, but you can write down your schedule and goals. This helps to keep you more aware of things and know what to do daily. You can even write down your classes and what your strengths and weaknesses are in each one. 


Sticky Notes 

Sticky notes definitely come in handy whenever you’re on the go or you need to write something down ASAP. You can paste sticky notes on anything, making it easier and more efficient for writing on textbooks, books, or planners. 


Lofi Music 

Listening to music has seen to have numerous benefits such as: memorization, a decrease in anxiety, and helping a student feel more engaged in their materials. You can listen to any type of music when studying, but you should avoid harsh or loud music as they can actually distract you. “Lofi Music” is a type of genre which, “technically refers to music with lower sound quality. You can hear idiosyncrasies from the recording process like distortion.” Lofi is perfect when combining both instrumental and calming music together. 


It is crucial that you not only remain on top of your academic performance, but your organization as well. Keeping your desk and your room clean can help to relieve anxiety and make you find things better. This healthy habit should be kept in mind when going back to school. 



You should separate your time when doing homework and having breaks. This could be as simple as setting a twenty-five minute timer for completing homework, while having a five minute break at the end. You can either spend your break grabbing your favorite snack, going on your phone, or even petting your dog. Either way, breaks are important for studying. 



Whether using fancy highlighters or pens, you should use something that contains different colors. Color-coding is seen to, “organize the information that you need to learn. Even if you’re short on study time, color-coded notes allow you to rapidly review the most important information.”


And finally, please make sure to keep your skin healthy! Back-to-school can make students feel stressed out, and more likely to break you out. This means you should be cleansing your face daily. MDSUN’s Active Cleanser works well with oily and combination skin. As it helps to soothe breakouts and remove dead cells, the main ingredients in this cleanser contain: Glycolic Acid, Provitamin B5, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Lactic Acid, β- Glucan. As Glycolic Acid helps with skin texture, Provitamin B5 is another active ingredient that helps soothe your skin. 

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