MDSUN Malaysia

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Care by MDSUN U.S.A

1. What MDSUN product(s) do you highly recommend to prevent/help minimize stretch marks during pregnancy?

(a) Collagen Lift, based on stem cells, growth factors and peptides, helps with collagen repair.
(b) Wrinkle Smoothener, based on cosmeceutical retinoids, stem cells, growth factors and peptides, further help with collagen repair.

2. What MDSUN product(s) do you highly recommend getting rid of stretch marks at the postpartum period?

(a) Collagen Lift, based on stem cells, growth factors and peptides, helps with collagen repair.
(b) Wrinkle Smoothener, based on cosmeceutical retinoids, stem cells, growth factors and peptides, further help with collagen repair.

3. What kind of non-surgical treatment(s) do you recommend getting rid of stretch marks at the postpartum period? When is the best time to receive such treatment(s)?

Energy based treatments, such as radiofrequency, ultrasound, laser, and microneedling, can be considered starting three months postpartum or when weight re-stablizes.

4. What MDSUN products do you highly recommend being used right after such non-surgical treatment(s) in order to maximize the result?

For non-skin penetrating non-surgical treatments, such as non-ablative pigment or IPL laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound or cryolipolysis, the following can be used immediately:
(a) Soothener
(b) Super Hydration B Serum

(c) Collagen Lift
(d) Hydro Recovery Mask – twice a day
(e) Antioxidant UV Protector SPF50 or Hydrating UV Protector SPF50

For skin penetrating non-surgical treatments, such as non-ablative fractionated laser or microneedling, the following can be used immediately:
(a) Super Hydration B Serum

For skin penetrating non-surgical treatments, such as non-ablative fractionated laser or microneedling, the following can be used after healing in about one week:
(a) Soothener
(b) Super Hydration B Serum

(c) Collagen Lift
(d) Hydro Recovery Mask – twice a day
(e) Antioxidant UV Protector SPF50 or Hydrating UV Protector SPF50

5. Are all MDSUN products recommended to breastfeeding women?
All MDSUN products except Wrinkle Smoothener due to the presence of retinoids.

6. Could you share some successful cases of treating stretch marks by providing procedures and MDSUN products?

Postpartum stretch marks generally are also accompanying with localized fat issues. Combination of radiofrequency, ultrasound, cryolipolysis (fat freezing), laser and microneedling with PRP, along with topical products are helpful.

Radiofrequency improves collagen skin tightening; Ultrasound or Cryolipolysis shrinks the fat and thereby contours the skin; Nonablative fractionated laser improves the coloration and lines of the stretch mark; Mirconeedling with PRP improves also the color and lines of stretch marks as well.

For skin penetrating non-surgical treatments, such as non-ablative fractionated laser or microneedling, the following can be used after healing in about one week:
(a) Soothener
(b) Super Hydration B Serum

(c) Collagen Lift
(d) Hydro Recovery Mask – twice a day
(e) Antioxidant UV Protector SPF50 or Hydrating UV Protector SPF50

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