What is BOTOX®?
BOTOX® is the trade name for a substance that is physically injected into the skin. It is known to inhibit muscle movement and can prevent wrinkles from developing or worsening. The word BOTOX® is derived from the word “botulous”, which means sausage. While this probably sounds odd, there is an easy explanation.
It is named “BOTOX®” because the substance is highly related to a naturally occurring toxin, which can be found at high levels in bad meat products caused by Clostridium botulinum. If the level is high enough, it has the ability to paralyse victims of food poisoning and cause death. This substance has been called the most poisonous substance known. It really all comes down to purity and dosage when used safely for cosmetic purposes.
What is BOTOX® used for?
BOTOX® injections are now one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world and there are a large number of celebs who are rumoured as swearing by these youth-preserving injections. While it is immensely popular for aesthetic purposes, BOTOX® is actually useful for other conditions too, including stopping excessive sweat.
How does BOTOX® work?
Cosmetic BOTOX® injections work by blocking the nerve signals to certain muscles. The muscles then relax, which in turn reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the skin. BOTOX® freezes muscle movement by blocking neurotransmitters and this effect lasts for four to six months. This means you will need to be retreated a few times a year if you wish to maintain your wrinkle free look. If you stop BOTOX® retreatments your lines will come back. If you decide to discontinue with your treatment, the muscles in your treated area will begin to function normally again and this means the aging process will too. Once you’ve had BOTOX® injected, the effects on the muscles usually become apparent within a few hours, with the main effects appearing after about a week.
How much does a BOTOX® treatment cost?
BOTOX® prices fluctuate depending on where you go to get and the number of areas treated. Some companies offer one area for around the two hundred dollar mark and most offer packages if you want to add more areas to your treatment. It is worth doing your research before you undergo the treatment and remember that going cheaper isn’t always a good idea. This is a treatment that needs to be done by professionals in a professional atmosphere. A mistake could really hurt you as the patient. Be sure to do your research before undergoing BOTOX® treatment.
What are the risks?
BOTOX® is a relatively safe treatment, but it should always be undertaken by a qualified medical professional to ensure that you are getting the correct amount in the right areas. This is a treatment that tends to be done on the face and around the eyes. This alone adds some risk to the BOTOX® injections. Visiting someone without the correct qualifications and experience could lead to asymmetrical results, muscle drooping, frozen expressions as well as various other dangerous consequences.
If carried out correctly, side effects are generally minimal. Some patients may not experience any side effects at all. However, occasionally some light bruising or redness around the area of injection might occur, although this shouldn’t last long. Rare side effects can include difficulty in swallowing, speaking and breathing. If this happens you should seek medical attention immediately. However, the above side effects are quite rare, especially when the procedure has been carried out by a professional using the ideal dosage. Many patients are able to undergo the entire BOTOX® procedure during their lunch break and go back to work with no one even being able to notice.
Is BOTOX® safe long-term?
According to FDA and medical research, BOTOX® injections paralyze muscle functions to stop signs of aging and this in the long run can cause people to experience loss of muscle control and also decreased strength of the muscles in the area which has been injected. Over time, repeated injections of BOTOX® to a particular area in the body can also cause permanent paralysis of the muscle.
One of the most important and dangerous side effects of using BOTOX® injections concerns the toxins within the actual substance. The toxins can spread into the surrounding tissues and this can be fatal. Although the spread of toxin hasn’t been reported in cosmetic procedures, it tends to happen occasionally when the drug has been administered in large doses for non-cosmetic medical reasons.
Some patients who receive regular BOTOX® treatments have complained about experiencing allergic reactions that can lead to hives, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, bleeding abnormally, abnormal heartbeat, seizures, speech alterations and bleeding from the site of injection. These reactions, while uncommon, can also prove to be fatal if they remain unnoticed or left untreated.