Getting a facial every once in awhile is recommended. Regular facials can help combat the toll stress and the environment have on our skin, which is very important if you want to keep your skin glowing and healthy. Unfortunately, facials can get quite expensive. Since this is the case, two things are certain. You need to be sure that you are receiving a facial from someone who is properly able to administer it and you need to be sure that you are helping your skin to heal properly after the facial.
Maintaining the positive effects of your facial treatment is easy, if you follow a few guidelines for the best outcome. In essence, there are six things that you should not do upon leaving the spa after your treatment to preserve the best and longest lasting effects.
1. Picking at your skin
You really should try to avoid this at all times, but your skin is especially sensitive after a facial. Though it’s tempting to touch pimples that arise soon after your facial, or try to pop blackheads that appear, it is best to keep your hands off of your skin. Even if you had pimples or blackheads before going in that are still apparent when you are finished with your treatment, there is a good reason your facialist did not get rid of them during your facial. Sometimes, there will be blemishes on the skin that your facialist will let go because they simply are not ready to come out yet. Also, if extractions were done during your facial, further popping of pimples and blackheads after your treatment could lead to scarring and irritation.
2. Using heavy makeup
If your face looks red from the exfoliation or extractions in your facial, you might be tempted to cover the redness with makeup. This is something you have to resist, because your facial provides such a deep cleanse, it’s smart to give your skin a break from makeup afterwards. Heavy products should be kept off of your face for a day or so because your pores are more open and susceptible to bacteria. Taking a break from makeup will also allow the serums, creams, or peels that were applied to be more effective. You can resume your usual makeup routine the following day. It is also a good idea to give your makeup brushes and sponges a good cleanse before using them on your face again after a facial. This can reduce post facial breakouts.
3. Hitting the gym
Wait at least one day to go back to the gym after your facial. The increased heat and sweat can be irritating to your freshly exfoliated skin. If you are an avid gym goer, be sure that on the day of your treatment you go to the gym before getting the facial.
You will want to wait a few days before trying any of these:
4. Using an exfoliator or face scrub
There is a really good reason that exfoliation products say to use only once or twice a week. Over-exfoliating can damage your skin’s protective layer and lead to inflammation. Since most facials incorporate an exfoliation it is best to skip anything that could irritate your skin for several days after treatment.
5. Applying other at home treatments
Once your facial is over, it is best to take it easy on using products on your face. This is especially true if you have products that contain heavy chemicals that could damage your skin. This includes retinoids, face masks, at-home peels, and cleansers and toners with acid. These products will turn your positive facial into pure redness and irritation. Experts agree you should ask your aesthetician for recommendations of what to use on your face once she’s done with your treatment.
6. Sunbathing
After your facial it is in your skin’s best interest to avoid sitting in the sun for any prolonged amount of time. Your skin has just been exfoliated and this means it is more sensitive and vulnerable to the sun’s harmful rays. After a few days, you can worry less about your skin reacting negatively to the sun, but it’s still smart to wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect the skin.